Recent News

New Publication at PETS'25

We are pleased to announce our latest publication, “SoK: Descriptive Statistics Under Local Differential Privacy”, which will be...

Our Website is Live

We’re excited to launch the new website for the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Group at the Vienna University of Technology! Explore...

New Paper Published at PETS'24

We are pleased to announce the publication of our paper Measuring Conditional Anonymity - A Global Study at PETS'24.

Our research examines...

For Researchers

Research Areas

We create methods to balance processing large data sets while protecting individual privacy. Our work spans from efficient information-theoretic approaches like differential privacy to privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocols.


We regularly publish our results at top-ranked scientific conferences and journals in the areas of privacy, security and cryptography.

Reproducible Research

We develop and publish numerous open-source tools on to bring our research to a broader audience.